It has been almost two years since I had the first signs of #menopause: my menstruation started coming at irregular intervals, more abundant than usual and more often than
not I felt uncomfortable under the heat waves.

My body was aching all the time, my belly swollen , my wast
waist gone.
I would see myself aging when looking in a mirror in a way I
sensed unnatural. My normally soft skin was rough and showing red spots
everywhere. I also believe now I often had blood in my urine.
And I all blamed it on a my upcoming #menopause.
The previous Summer I
had met a Sicilian woman on the train
from Eindhoven to Brussels. We apparently had been on the same plane coming
from Trapani in Sicily. She talked me into a wine tasting course at Piola Libri
starting the next Fall. Though we had been planning for months to meet for dinner, it wasn’t till a year later we
finally made it.
Rosella made me come
to an Italian restaurant near the Ixelles cemetery. When I arrived, she was
waiting for me at the entrance. She mentioned the place was a gluten free
Italian restaurant and that she was allergic to gluten. I remembered Djokovic ,
the Croation tennis player being allergic too. Already being ranked # 1, it
wasn’t until he started following a strict gluten free diet he won his first
grand slam. I figured it would do me no harm and gladly joined her.
I woke up the next morning without my usual headache and I
felt relaxed for the first time in what seemed ages. Without a second thought I
linked it to the gluten free dinner.
I searched for ‘gluten allergy symptoms’ on Google and was not even surprised I
‘filled’ the entire list. For three
consecutive days I voluntarily went on a gluten free diet and found both my
mental and physical condition rapidly improving . On the fourth day I cooked myself and my
daughter some regular pasta, based on a moment of doubt and catering to Nerjis’
love for penne and spaghetti.
I was shocked to realize how soon the headache returned.
I called Rosella and explained her what had happened. She
advised me to arrange for a blood test, and if positive, a biopsy. Though my
appointment wasn’t till a month later, I stopped eating gluten right away. The
doctor’s assistant told me not to, but how would I possibly want to continue
feeling that awful for one more month.
It was amazing to see how soon and almost instantly I felt
better. My skin became much softer, I started sleeping like a rose, gone is my
bad breath smell, my aching muscles, my lack of concentration. I see no longer
signs of menopause, no heath waves, no aging skin, no nothing; only the
occasionally abundant menstruation tends to annoy me. My body is lean and
slender. Respecting a gluten free diet meant the return of my hourglass figure.
The moment I sin, I see and sense it immediately. I will not feel sick, but
instantly tired like someone knocked me down !
Rosella referred me to celiac heaven in Brussels, ‘La Solution’ ( obviously meaning
the solution ).
Conveniently located at only 100 meters away from my regular
supermarket Colruyt, I shop here at
least once a week. I discovered organic
buckwheat milk I eat with my gluten free
3-grain almond muesli; I switched from Schâr’s to Viazzo’s precooked
rice pasta; the same store also carries a whole series of super foods like chia
seeds, maca powder, hemp seeds …
which I add to my morning muesli, bread, smoothies, pies…
A whole new world has emerged and I am happier &
healthier than ever. Understanding the
need of eating well, I now serve a complete, delicious gluten free breakfast to
my ever growing number of gluten intolerant guests.
So if you have the slightest doubt of being gluten
intolerant, want to avoid the health
issues that come with aging as a woman, detox your body, develop new tastes..
then say goodbye to gluten. What follows next is killing the
cow !